This site owned by Bennett Coleman & Co Ltd.

This site aims to provide economic and business research on India. Our target audience is business professionals, consultants, investors, academicians and business students – either Indian or those interested in India.

This site is a product of the ET Intelligence Group (ETIG), the research arm of The Economic Times, India’s largest business paper, and part of The Times Group, India’s largest media group. The Times Group believes in achieving leadership in its businesses. It has grown 500% in the last 10 years. The Times of India is the largest selling English daily broadsheet and The Economic Times is the second largest English language business daily in the world.

This site brings to you research knowledge and expertise of ETIG. We are engaged in macro-economic and sectoral research for the benefit of Indian business. We undertake detailed primary, secondary and market research based studies. We analyse business from various angles – sectoral, firm level, macro-economic, process and functional. ETIG’s team of MBAs, economists, CAs, and engineers from top schools – IIMs, IITs, Delhi School of Economics – do the most comprehensive job on Indian business.

Propagating ETIG’s views is not the aim of this website, however. We aim to give a comprehensive knowledge base to our customers. The site also carries research from all those top Indian research houses, which have shared their research with us. These include outfits doing economic research, market and consumer research, equity research and consultancies. Please see the section ‘Research Partners’ for the complete listing.

This site is in a growth phase. The content carried will evolve significantly in the coming months.